Sitemap - 2024 - Robert’s Conflict Mitigation Newsletter
321 - Giving the New Syria a Chance to Perform Well
319 - Freeing Syria Rejigs the Middle East
318 - The NATO Option: Rescuing Ukraine from Trump/Putin
317 - Lessons for America from South Korea
316 - Biden Goes to Africa: A Strange Foray
314 - Let's Get Serious About Haiti
313 - Entering Dante's Inferno: Today's Torment of Hell, with Fires Raging
312 - Giving Ukraine Needed Weapons: Washington Finally Acts
311 -Big Time Buyer's Remorse: Unraveling the West Bank
310 - The Death Throes of a Free Ukraine
309 - Elections: The Bad and the Good
308 - The Fate of the Nation, and the World, is in Our Hands
307 - Can Israel Finally Craft a Sustainable Winning Strategy?
306 - World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis Worsens
305 - Turning the Lights of Cuba Back On: A Very Radical Idea
304 - How Fascists Gain Control (2)
303 - How Fascists Gain Control: Inciting Violence and Vilifying Opponents
302 - Columbus Should Have Stayed Home
301 - The Arab Spring is Bust: The People Have Lost Out
300 - The Perils of Our Planet: Unleashed by Putin, Hamas, and Other Murderous Desperadoes
299 - Building Upon Success: Netanyahu Could Achieve a Lasting Peace
298 - The Senseless Wars of Africa, and Russian Meddling
297 - Missile Strikes and Targeted Bombings: Do they make Israel More Secure?
296 - Truth Telling About Haiti and Haitians
295 - Why Winning the Ukrainian War Matters More than Ever
294 - Taking the War to Moscow: Washington Needs to Stop Micromanaging
293 - How to Win Elections with Ease: Kidnap, Detain, Imprison, Brutalize Contenders
292 - "Useful Idiots:" Russian Meddling in Our Election
291 - Expediency Triumphs: Obligations be Damned
290a - The Slaughter of the Innocents: Staving off Starvation
290 - Slaughter of the Innocents: Staving off Famine
290 - The Slaughter of the Innocents: Staving off Famine
289 - Living with the Enemy: Harmony Amid a Frozen Conflict
288 - Ending a Spreading Pandemic Means Curtailing Civil Wars
287 - How to Circumvent Western Sanctions: Russia's Supply Chain Depends on Subterfuge and Smuggling
286 - What's at Stake? Fundamental Honesty and Decency
285 - Popular Protests Ousts an Authoritarian: Can Others Elsewhere Copy?
284 - Are Assassinations Effective? Or Do They Prolong War?
283 - How to Steal an Election: The Big Lie
282 - Dueling with China to Secure Southeast Asia
281 - It Could Happen Here: The Rise of Illiberal Democracy
280 - Defending Freedom in Ukraine and Taiwan in a Madcap Time of Trump and Vance
279 - Thou Shalt Not Steal: The Perils of Greed and the Erosion of Democratic Bulwarks
278 - Isolationism and Nativism: Dangerous Retreats into Our Past
277 - The State of the World: The Need for Consummate Leadership
276 - Creeping Apartheid: The End of Palestine
275 - "Give Me the Gold Bars Later:" The Corrupt Facilitate Even More Sleaze
273 - Saving Haiti from Gangs: Another American Leap into the Security Unknown
272 - The Killing Fields of the Congo: Another Horrendous Humanitarian Tragedy
271 - Getting to Yes, II: The Globe's Most Consuming Humanitarian Crisis
270 - Getting to Yes: Ending the Bloody Wars of Our Day
269 - The Worst Drought in a Century: Feeding People When Rains Fail
268 - Elections II: Voters Object to Assaults on Democracy
267 - Elections: Voters Have Made Decisions of Enormous Consequence
266 - Can Ukraine Survive? Or Will Putin's Aggression Triumph
265 - Genocide: The Intentional Destruction of a People
264 - The Agonies of South Africa
263 - The Two State Solution: Is it Feasible?
262 - Achieving Peace in Ukraine: China Could Help
261 - A Palestinian State? The Efficacy or Not of Student Protests and Divestment
260 - Thwarting Another Genocide: The Miseries of our Time
259 - Russians Going for Gold: Undermining the U. S. in Africa
258 - At Long Last! But is Our Aid to Ukraine in Time to Counter Putin?
257 - Rejecting the King: Restoring Trust and Values
256- Winning and Losing in Autocratic Southeast Asia
255 - Keeping its Powder Dry: Israel Wins if it Holds Fire
254 - "All Skin and Bones:" War and Climate -Caused Famines on Our Watch, II
253 - "All Skin and Bones:" War-Caused Famines on our Watch, I
252 - Democratic Leanings Persist Despite Autocratic Pressures: Electoral Omens
251 - Ukraine Destroyed: Russians Taking Over
250 - The Corruption Scourge Resurfaces in Ever Vigilant Singapore
249 - The World's Largest Democracy Subverts Democracy
248 - House Republicans Enable Putin and Jeopardize Ukrainians Just to Save Trump
247 - "African People Deserve Better:" The Ravages of Kleptocratic Leadership
246 - Who Can Knock Heads Hard? Will Washington or Ottawa Rescue Haiti?
245 - Beating Back Gang Violence in Haiti
244 - Two Years of Torture: World War III Still Threatens
242 - Continuing Carnage: Africa's Destruction, III
241 - Continuing Carnage: Africa's Destruction, II
240 - Continuing Carnage: Africa's Destruction, I
238 - Shaking the Foundations of World Order until they Fracture: Seismic Disasters
237 - Honoring the Rule of Law: Too Often in the Breach
236 - The Fifth Column that Sabotages our Democratic Roots and Compromises Global Freedom
235 - The Immigrant Achilles Heel: Bad News and Good
234 - Hope Emerges for Anticorruption in the Americas
233 - Ukraine: A Winning War Plan
232 - The Devastating Decline of Trust and Civility: World Order Falls Apart
231 - Feed the Hungry Children: Israel Needs New Tactics
230 - A Helpful Breakthrough in the Horn of Africa?
229 - Can 2024 Become a Year of Peace, with Human Suffering Reduced?