This should be our happiest day. We traditionally celebrate the founding of this great conglomerate that we call these United States, and we further applaud on this day and others its magnificent growth from a backwater set of rebellious but high-minded (albeit slave-owning) colonies into the world’s greatest nation.
This fine blog is a strong reminder of the shallowness and ahistorical qualities of this Supreme Court’s pronouncements – er, decisions. Perhaps the best defense against them, long-term, would be public undercutting of the (pseudo)intellectual bases of their work. Over time, chipping away at intellectual and moral *respect* for their work must have, cumulatively, a greater effect than even justified expressions of outrage.
One additional feature, which I haven’t seen remarked on: the ex cathedra nature of many of their statements (the fact that five ‘conservative’ Justices are Catholics may not be coincidental.) ex cathedra pronouncements are a sign of arrogance and a strong hint that the pronouncers cannot easily uphold the logic undergirding their statements.
This fine blog is a strong reminder of the shallowness and ahistorical qualities of this Supreme Court’s pronouncements – er, decisions. Perhaps the best defense against them, long-term, would be public undercutting of the (pseudo)intellectual bases of their work. Over time, chipping away at intellectual and moral *respect* for their work must have, cumulatively, a greater effect than even justified expressions of outrage.
One additional feature, which I haven’t seen remarked on: the ex cathedra nature of many of their statements (the fact that five ‘conservative’ Justices are Catholics may not be coincidental.) ex cathedra pronouncements are a sign of arrogance and a strong hint that the pronouncers cannot easily uphold the logic undergirding their statements.