Israel is awash in guns, including assault weapons (for obvious reasons). How does its gun-to-population ratio compare to that of the US? Why does Israel, with ready gun availability, have a markedly lower gun murder rate than the US (or so I believe)? This question is not intended to deny Robert’s thesis – only to suggest that a complex of factors mmay affect gun violence.

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Israel only has 6.7 guns per 100 persons, compared to 120 per 100 in the U.S., 2 per 100 in Canada, 7. 4 in Spain and Argentina, and 8.3 in Brazil. There are complex factors, indeed, but homicides are fewer in Israel than in the U. S. and elsewhere because there are fewer guns and their usage is well-regulated. --RIR

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Furthermore, after the US 120 in the list of guns per 100 comes the Falkland Islands with 62, war-torn Yemen with 52, Montenegro & Serbia with 39, Canada (I used the wrong number earlier) and Uruguay with 34, Finland & Iceland with 32, Norway with 29, and Sweden with 23. So the US has twice the guns as wild Yemen, and 12 times more than Israel. With fewer guns per capita there would be less access to weapons of mass destruction in schools etc.

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