A brilliant rundown of the world and on whose side folks are lining up. Sadly, this morning it seems like some, even firmly in Z's corner, are urging him to kiss then ring & move on. OMG....
Thank you for this information, although none of it is surprising to me. My anger is at all the institutions that have failed us in the Trump era-the media, the Congress, the Supreme Court, Merritt Garland and the Justice Department under his leadership. Trump has been a clear and present danger and cancer on America and all the resources that could have put a stop to this nightmare capitulated.
A brilliant rundown of the world and on whose side folks are lining up. Sadly, this morning it seems like some, even firmly in Z's corner, are urging him to kiss then ring & move on. OMG....
Thank you for this information, although none of it is surprising to me. My anger is at all the institutions that have failed us in the Trump era-the media, the Congress, the Supreme Court, Merritt Garland and the Justice Department under his leadership. Trump has been a clear and present danger and cancer on America and all the resources that could have put a stop to this nightmare capitulated.
I continue to be educated by your knowledge of global affairs. Reminds me of Noam Chomsky. Keep up the good work!