I have always given money to Oxfam America, an effective social justice organization that fights poverty and inequality around the globe and who wisely determined decades ago not to take any money from the US government. This has allowed them to speak frankly where other organizations are cowering. But, even if their money is private they depend on the infrastructure and interconnections USAID has provided. Defunding USAID is a devastating move which cannot ever be fully walked back--and presuambly selected because the 49% who voted for Trump are unaware of its diplomatic and security role. Apparently we have to wait for the pain to be felt locally to turn public opinion again this wrecking ball.

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Where this chainsaw Musk and his sidekick Trump have taken to American values and institutions may finally come home to vast masses who, often unwittingly, voted him into office is when Kristi Noem's intention of putting a stake through the heart of FEMA impacts a large swath of the Trump-Musk electorate in the next national disaster....when there is NO PLACE to turn for help & succor. At home, sadly, is where the rubber meets the road.

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