Hell is depicted by Dante as nine concentric circles of torment located within the Earth; it is the "realm...of those who have rejected spiritual values by yielding to bestial appetites or violence, or by perverting their human intellect to fraud or malice against their fellowmen."
Were I in Joe Biden's position, I would divert all materiel destined for Israel to Ukraine. Immediately, and for the foreseeable future. Officially, by EO, with full immunity, declaring a (global?) state of emergency if necessary.
But Biden is is not like me, so America will continue being the arms dealer for one wanted criminal in Arabia, while also half-arsing the defense of a victim against another criminal attempting to commit the same offenses in Europe.
It’s important not to underestimate the seriousness of the situation. But it is also important to not give in to despair or to assume that everything planned will go as planned. Our work is to shore up all of the islands of democracy that still exist and to be a continuous thorn in the side of anyone who would take away our freedoms. It’s no fun to be in our current situation, but we have no choice but to fight on.
How deeply we descent into the circles of Hell will get its first test in the Senate Confirmation process ( or should I say if there is a Senate Confirmation process). Obviously Trump will not withdraw the Gaetz nomination because he wants to show his power over Senators like my own Susan Collins, who professes an orderly process but will likely fold under pressure ( Margaret Chase Smith will be rolling over in her grave).
This is a test for all of us who believe that America does still have critical democratic values. First step here is to flood our Republican Senators with letters of concern about the quality of theses nominees, starting with Gaetz.If the nomination process doesn't provide a bulwark against such nonsense the next step is taking to the streets. We need to stretch this out to get to the 2026 mid terms without catastrophic external events.
Signed up to re-read Dante’s Purgatorio at the St, John’s College Winter classics. Maybe aiming too high for current events.
Were I in Joe Biden's position, I would divert all materiel destined for Israel to Ukraine. Immediately, and for the foreseeable future. Officially, by EO, with full immunity, declaring a (global?) state of emergency if necessary.
But Biden is is not like me, so America will continue being the arms dealer for one wanted criminal in Arabia, while also half-arsing the defense of a victim against another criminal attempting to commit the same offenses in Europe.
It’s important not to underestimate the seriousness of the situation. But it is also important to not give in to despair or to assume that everything planned will go as planned. Our work is to shore up all of the islands of democracy that still exist and to be a continuous thorn in the side of anyone who would take away our freedoms. It’s no fun to be in our current situation, but we have no choice but to fight on.
Yes, we must fight on, and on
How deeply we descent into the circles of Hell will get its first test in the Senate Confirmation process ( or should I say if there is a Senate Confirmation process). Obviously Trump will not withdraw the Gaetz nomination because he wants to show his power over Senators like my own Susan Collins, who professes an orderly process but will likely fold under pressure ( Margaret Chase Smith will be rolling over in her grave).
This is a test for all of us who believe that America does still have critical democratic values. First step here is to flood our Republican Senators with letters of concern about the quality of theses nominees, starting with Gaetz.If the nomination process doesn't provide a bulwark against such nonsense the next step is taking to the streets. We need to stretch this out to get to the 2026 mid terms without catastrophic external events.