Apologies ... WRONG comment...wrong piece !!!

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Actually, Rich, Atwood's predecessor was Newsday's founder & longtime publisher-owner, Harry Guggenheim, quite wealthy in his own right. Eventually, he tired of it all at about the time President Lyndon Johnson called him up and said, "Harry, could you take my boy Bill Moyers off my hands, as a great FAVOR to me" considering the mining leases Lyndon had helped out Harry ! Harry did, Moyers became publisher and Harry was able to step back & let 'his boy' Bill run the show! It was Bill who eventually would hire me at Newsday & get me started on my media career!!!

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Brilliant as usual, professor! Assume you noticed this about my dear colleague Clarissa Ward !


Things are never easy for foreign correspondents !!

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Never easy, indeed!

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Thank you for telling us about the silent horror story that is Sudan.

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