What have these United States come to when a presidential contender blithely, consciously, abuses the First Amendment protections of free speech to incite followers to violence? Not to mention lying left and right, tilting the pre-election discourse against his rivals by deploying vicious racist and class images to vilify other candidates. Along with Putin, Trump is a clear and present danger not only to his fellow Americans, but to electoral democracy everywhere.
I hope, dear professor, you have prepared yourself for the worst!
As for ourselves, we shall be watching from Paris, where we are heading tonight....and deciding whether to return to the USofA in December....eg: https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/01/opinions/trump-president-americans-emigrate-andelman/index.html
(but of course chronicling the world's reaction on Andelman Unleashed!!)
That's a good choice!