Robert, I appreciate the focus on Haiti and taking Trump to task on his comments. I wonder if you would consider comment on the fundamentals of Haiti's long term situation. Why has nothing to stabilize the political and economic situation in Haiti worked, in spite of US and multi national efforts. The fundamentals there must be difficult, but surely there is a path to something better?

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I can best answer your good question by referring you to my long ago book on Haiti -- The Politics of Squalor --and to earlier versions of this Newsletter. I discuss why Haiti has failed for so many decades there. It is a long, sad, and very complicated story in which U. S. actions are implicated. Haitian leaders are responsible, too.

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I suspect, professor, that you may have identied, in the last half of your most eloquent commentary, two early targets of your International Court of Corruption !!

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Hear, hear, Robert!

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