So right in so many ways, professor....I still am utterly appalled by Israel banning Al Jazeerah ... what's next? The WSJ? NYT? .... That is in no sense a characeristic of any nation aspiring to call itself a democracy. Sad......also do NOT want Israel to become an apartheid-era South Africa. I just remember when Nelson Mandela first came to the US after his release from prison. I traveled the whole way with him as his speechwriter...including a truly remarkable moment at Liberty Hall in Philadelphia when President Clinton welcomed Manedela and de Klerk ! Oh my....can we ever envisio such a moment now with Israel & whoever may lead Gaza ??

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Good shoutout for David in the NYT today!

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So right in so many ways, professor....I still am utterly appalled by Israel banning Al Jazeerah ... what's next? The WSJ? NYT? .... That is in no sense a characeristic of any nation aspiring to call itself a democracy. Sad......also do NOT want Israel to become an apartheid-era South Africa. I just remember when Nelson Mandela first came to the US after his release from prison. I traveled the whole way with him as his speechwriter...including a truly remarkable moment at Liberty Hall in Philadelphia when President Clinton welcomed Manedela and de Klerk ! Oh my....can we ever envisio such a moment now with Israel & whoever may lead Gaza ??

(REPEATING to share as a note !)

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