Thanks Robert, l believe you are exactly right and find it hard to believe that these Republican isolationist can bury their heads so deep in the sand. Now living in the UK ,l am glad the at least the UK is a more reliable ally also the resources we can provide are minimal compared with what the US has to offer

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To these jaded and cynical eyes viewing from afar, Ukraine would be better served looking elsewhere for help in the immediate future. Probably closer to home in Europe, where the seriousness of the situation is realised and the traumas are still closely held family memories that are honoured annually nationwide in many of those countries.

Unfortunately the best hope for U.S. aid forthcoming to Ukraine seems to be on Nov. 5th with Democrats maintaining their majority in the Senate, winning one in the House, and gaining a second Biden/Harris term. That would allow a few days from Jan. 3, 2025 (when the 119th congress commences) until Jan. 5th (20th technically, but best get the bills passed in both chambers and signed by Biden before the certifcation to head off the repeat of any insurrectional shenanigans). But nine months is too long for Ukranians to wait and hope is no foundation to base a plan on.

All this because the American political system is being held hostage by a handful of members in one party, and the judiciary has been compromised and corrupted. The third clause of the fourteenth amendment to your constitution clearly states that the Republican Party's leading candidate for the presidential election, the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, and several other members of congress have disqualified themselves from holding office. I repeat. Disqualified themselves. No further laws needed, nor any action in Congress. However the U.S. Supine Court has a majority consisting of justiciars. At least one of whom has been accepting bribes, several who lied under oath in order to gain their current positions. Add to that, you have an Attorny General who, for all intents and purposes, shares the same Alma Mata (being the Federalist Society) which seems to explain his tardiness in executing prosecutorial or even investigative duties towards one individual, and complete lack of whatsoever towards those peoples' representatives who "gave aid and comfort" at minimum if not personally participating in the Jan. 6th "conspiracy to" themselves.

*sigh* It's extremely difficult, observing this. Like watching a friend you care about going through a mental breakdown and self-harming.

*edits* sooo many typos

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Thanks for reiterating the urgency of our current situation. I can't help but thinking that there are ways around the weak House Leadership. This would not have happened with Lyndon Johnson, another era to be sure, but LBJ knew how to use Presidential muscle. Surely Biden, with his congressional experience should be able to crack the code.

Ron Bancroft

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