This is all so very true ... frankly it reminds me so much now of the so-called Non-Aligned movement of the 1970s under the 'leadership' of such forces for democracy as Tito & Khieu Samphan of the Khmer Rouge .... but really just a thinly-disguised Trojan horse for a host of left-wing governments, all operating at least in the shadow of the Kremlin. The concept at the outset was laudable but as with this, how long will it take to come fully under the sway of malevolent, certainly anti-democratic (with a small 'd') forces?!
This is all so very true ... frankly it reminds me so much now of the so-called Non-Aligned movement of the 1970s under the 'leadership' of such forces for democracy as Tito & Khieu Samphan of the Khmer Rouge .... but really just a thinly-disguised Trojan horse for a host of left-wing governments, all operating at least in the shadow of the Kremlin. The concept at the outset was laudable but as with this, how long will it take to come fully under the sway of malevolent, certainly anti-democratic (with a small 'd') forces?!