Ah, how short-sighted we human creatures are and have always been! It is an ALMOST Sisyphean task to push back against the weight of prejudice and fear. But, I think, the key word is "almost." We can create better immigration policies here in the US -- and help lead others by example; and we can recapture the spirit (which flourished only a few decades ago) of helping people in countries whom we helped exploit in the past.
Ah, how short-sighted we human creatures are and have always been! It is an ALMOST Sisyphean task to push back against the weight of prejudice and fear. But, I think, the key word is "almost." We can create better immigration policies here in the US -- and help lead others by example; and we can recapture the spirit (which flourished only a few decades ago) of helping people in countries whom we helped exploit in the past.