The commentariat, ever inclined to criticize, has made too much of Biden’s ad-libbed remarks. Too many people imagine they are superior to the current President (… to *any* President?).
Jen Psaki and the State Department should have kept their mouths shut, rather than attempting to put words in their boss’s mouth. If I’d been Biden, I’d have been furious at their presumptuousness and insubordination.
When Biden finally got a chance to “explain” himself, he very effectively stood by, and justified, his remarks.
Putin probably took Biden’s remarks in stride. I bet he has long imagined that the West has it in for him, and has come to grips with the idea.
Finally — Biden’s so-called gaffe may be inspiring to people in allied nations, as well as in the US. He dispensed with diplomatic pablum and gave voice to the moral outrage welling up in normal, moral people. He exhibited personal, Presidential leadership.
The commentariat, ever inclined to criticize, has made too much of Biden’s ad-libbed remarks. Too many people imagine they are superior to the current President (… to *any* President?).
Jen Psaki and the State Department should have kept their mouths shut, rather than attempting to put words in their boss’s mouth. If I’d been Biden, I’d have been furious at their presumptuousness and insubordination.
When Biden finally got a chance to “explain” himself, he very effectively stood by, and justified, his remarks.
Putin probably took Biden’s remarks in stride. I bet he has long imagined that the West has it in for him, and has come to grips with the idea.
Finally — Biden’s so-called gaffe may be inspiring to people in allied nations, as well as in the US. He dispensed with diplomatic pablum and gave voice to the moral outrage welling up in normal, moral people. He exhibited personal, Presidential leadership.