Truly....which makes it doubly horrifying to hear Secretary of State Antony Blinken suggest in an interview yesterday that the US could entertain China (in the form of Xi Jinping or one of his minions) playing a role in 'mediating' an end to the War in Ukraine that in any sense recognizes the overwhelming culpability of Russia and Vladimir Putin in its launch and continuation !

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You mention several instances of countries(Goliaths) suppressing the freedoms of their minorities. Though I certainly oppose Putin’s aggressions in Ukraine, I believe that Ukraine contributed to some of the rebellion in Donbas by curtailing the official use of Russian language. The same separatist movement in Quebec was aborted by allowing French Quebecois language rights.

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my policy is to let subscribers view all comments, even I don't think the commenter is accurate. In this case, there is absolutely no evidence that Ukraine EVER curtailed the use of Russian., anywhere in the territory. After all, it is Zelensky's original language and there are many Russian speakers in Ukraine's senior military ranks.

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Well done!

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