Thanks. Some great out-of-the box thinking... It also reflects some sensitivity when outlining what could be the demographics of an external temporary surgical "assistance force". An outside body made of members of Haitian origins, from French AND non-French speaking armed structures - police, army, private security, volunteers - would have credibility. French is one limited option. Second generation Haitians now communicate in Creole, by interest or thanks to the technology. English speaking, Spanish speaking regions would also have such pool.

No ideal scenarios at this point, but worth deepening, keeping time/timelines as a pressing factor...

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Thank you. What can we do to help prod the US to push the UN?

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Excellent question. If Ukraine and Taiwan were not huge issues, Biden and others would try to tackle Haiti through UN. Now we have to ask our own senators and Sen. Menendez to propel the UN to act. The secretary-general is in favor. But the Security Council is paralyzed by China and Russia because of their antagonism to the US. Haitian diasporas in the US could weigh in, too.

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