Thank you, Robert, for this update.

One issue that’s nagged me for some time - resurfaced by your mention of Hong Kong: Why have democracies and democratic journalistic outlets been so silent about China’s illegal absorption of Hong Kong and the suppression of Hong Kong freedoms? China was “obligated” by treaty not to interfere in Hong Kong affairs for another 10-20 years (I forget the details).

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Michael: As David will agree, Xi Jinping's China easily overlooks its "obligations." Xi has his own narrow ideas about democracy and transparency. Both hardly serve his plan to strengthen Party and one-man control of China's destiny. Hong Kong was in the way, so its autonomy was removed without any reference to the UK or treaties. As to silence, I don't think that Western news sources have neglected the Hong Kong takeover by China. Most reputable media outlets have covered the loss of freedom in Hong Kong, but without the ability to influence Chinese opinion. Alas.

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So very very (& brilliantly!) true....then again, I do have a lifelong career interest!

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