We are fast approaching the point of no return. Putin wanted to show Russia and the world that he was a top dog, and someone whose personal proclivities and international pretensions could never be neglected.
A small point. You write, “ radioactive fallout could be serious depending on the nature and size of the weapons. ” In addition, the kind and amount of fallout will depend on the extent to which the fireball interacts with the ground below, churning it up and lifting it into the mushroom cloud (‘dirtiest’ explosion).
From a purely blast damage point of view, an air burst causes greatest damage, so Russia might set its proximity fuzes for air bursts. That would also reduce the intensity and extent of radioactivity.
A small point. You write, “ radioactive fallout could be serious depending on the nature and size of the weapons. ” In addition, the kind and amount of fallout will depend on the extent to which the fireball interacts with the ground below, churning it up and lifting it into the mushroom cloud (‘dirtiest’ explosion).
From a purely blast damage point of view, an air burst causes greatest damage, so Russia might set its proximity fuzes for air bursts. That would also reduce the intensity and extent of radioactivity.
Good points!