The Democratic Republic of Congo has been convulsed in civil conflict ever since rebels loyal to Laurent Kabila and supported fiercely by troops from Rwanda ousted dictator Mobutu Sese Seko. However, President Kabila’s new regime – even with interventions from the armies of Angola, Namibia, and Zimbabwe – could not bring lasting peace to the vast reaches of sub-Saharan Africa’s largest physical space. (The Congo is bigger than the U.
What is defendable territory? Not the present DRC borders. What if those borders were adjusted to give tiny, crowded Rwanda more space? Would that just exacerbate the Hutu/Tutsi conflict?.
What is defendable territory? Not the present DRC borders. What if those borders were adjusted to give tiny, crowded Rwanda more space? Would that just exacerbate the Hutu/Tutsi conflict?.
Linda Agerbak
This is truly a tour de force and majorly useful for all who would understand the roots of central Africa’s afflictions. Bravo!