I wish I knew how that could be accomplished, here at home and across the planet. Better yet, I wish our gifted leaders could beat a path back to the “Have you no decency, sir, at long last?” cry of Army Counsel Joseph Welch that slowed Senator Joseph McCarthy’s conspiracist lies and red-baiting in 1954 or Maine’s Republican Senator Margaret Chase Smith calling out McCarthy in 1950 by issuing a “Declaration of Conscience.” She called McCarthy’s insidious utterances “irresponsible words of bitterness and selfish political opportunism” that were causing “a serious national condition” of “fear and frustration that could result in national suicide.”
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112 - The Doomsday Clock Approaches Midnight…
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I wish I knew how that could be accomplished, here at home and across the planet. Better yet, I wish our gifted leaders could beat a path back to the “Have you no decency, sir, at long last?” cry of Army Counsel Joseph Welch that slowed Senator Joseph McCarthy’s conspiracist lies and red-baiting in 1954 or Maine’s Republican Senator Margaret Chase Smith calling out McCarthy in 1950 by issuing a “Declaration of Conscience.” She called McCarthy’s insidious utterances “irresponsible words of bitterness and selfish political opportunism” that were causing “a serious national condition” of “fear and frustration that could result in national suicide.”